Gluten Free Stuffing For Turkey

    gluten free

  • A gluten-free diet is a diet completely free of ingredients derived from gluten-containing cereals: wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye, Malts and triticale, as well as the use of gluten as a food additive in the form of a flavoring, stabilizing or thickening agent.
  • a product is classified as Gluten free if it carries an appropriate mark, symbol or declaration to that effect (including if a pack is labelled as being suitable for coeliacs).
  • There is not wheat, rye, barley or oat gluten present in the product. Products are randomly tested to ensure that there is no contamination of gluten from other sources.


  • a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables
  • padding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furniture
  • A mixture used to stuff poultry or meat before cooking
  • Padding used to stuff cushions, furniture, or soft toys
  • (stuffed) filled with something; “a stuffed turkey”


  • The flesh of the turkey as food
  • A large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America, having a bald head and (in the male) red wattles. It is prized as food, esp. on festive occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • joker: a person who does something thoughtless or annoying; “some joker is blocking the driveway”
  • large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food
  • Something that is extremely or completely unsuccessful, esp. a play or movie
  • a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923

gluten free stuffing for turkey

Thanksgiving from a 1950's cookbook!

Thanksgiving from a 1950's cookbook!
First and foremost Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!*

Second, let me explain this title… This is 2 turkeys I baked yesterday and HDR(ed) today that look like they are right out of a retro cookbook!!! Ha ha ha!!!! (Love the crazy grain!)

Daves job schedule didn’t permit us to go visiting for turkey-day so we came upon, basically, a two for one turkey deal and couldn’t pass it up! (If there’s something I LOVE it’s leftovers at Thanksgiving!)

Dave’s turkey is the far golden one, stuffed with traditional stuffing. My turkey is the burnt one (just the way I like it!) with the gluten free stuffing (my first Thanksgiving eating gluten free, I made a large pancake and used that as my bread source, still haven’t figured out how to get bread from a gluten free diet?!) and I schmeared honey mustard and apple juice all over mine, can’t have enough FLAVOR!!!!!! ;P

We had our second snow this morning, only this one will stick for about a nano-second, but, it’s pretty!*

May all of you be happy and safe today and throughout this Holiday Season!*

Qtpfsgui 1.9.3 tonemapping parameters:
Operator: Fattal
Alpha: 0.064
Beta: 0.78
Color Saturation: 0.74
Noise Reduction: 0.11
PreGamma: 1

a little bit of late Thanksgiving

a little bit of late Thanksgiving
Dave and I decided not to cook for Thanksgiving this year. We ended up going to a local Boston Market (before the mad rush) Turns out I couldn’t eat anything on their menu (butter on everything) so I had turkey and cranberry sauce and Dave had a full course load… 😦

Well that wasn’t going to do! So on the way home I got some fixings and by Friday I had my full course load!* 🙂 Everything from scratch and GF and delicious!

I am thankful that I had great food to eat this Thanksgiving*… Some, did not… 😦

gluten free stuffing for turkey